Q&A: Dearna Bond, Photographer, Stylist & Educator

A long-time lifestyle photographer and stylist is sharing her passion with the masses, growing her CV to include educational workshops that pass on the secrets of visual storytelling. 

Dearna Bond (image: Dearna Bond)

What do you do?

I’m a photographer, stylist and educator. “Educator” is a new-ish title that I’ve resurrected since reintroducing workshops to my offering. I run a series of workshops in collaboration with Brand Tasmania focusing on all things Instagram, including content creation, strategy and planning, to help Tasmanian businesses use Instagram as an effective marketing tool. I’ve also started up my own photography and styling workshops, which cover manual camera settings, understanding and manipulating natural light, styling scenes, and editing images, to help creatives harness the power of storytelling in their photography. 

Describe a typical day at work for you.

It depends on whether I’m on a photoshoot or in the office. An office day will start with emails and quoting, followed by editing finished shoots, or preparing for upcoming shoots. On a shoot day, I’ll head out to location and start by walking through the brief with the client to ensure we’re on the same page and to work out the best approach to the day. I’ll spend some time scouting for the best light and backgrounds, and then it’s time to shoot!

Image: Dearna Bond

What’s the best thing about what you do for a living?

The variation. I get to do all sorts of different work, meet lots of different people, and go to different places. There are some special perks, like staying in beautiful properties, and experiencing unique tourist offerings that I might not otherwise get to see or do.

And the worst thing?

It can be isolating work - it’s often just me on a shoot. From a small business perspective, it’s also hard to know if you’re “doing it right” - I sometimes question whether I’m pricing myself appropriately, if I’ve got my licensing covered, and if I’m structuring my business in the most effective way.

Image: Dearna Bond

Why have you chosen to make Tasmania home?

I grew up here, but spent two years overseas after university, after which the plan was always to move to Melbourne. But when I came back to Tassie after living in London, I realised how much I’d missed home. Hobart is an easy place to live, and the people here are so nice. It was also around the time that Mona opened, so Tasmania was becoming an even more appealing place to visit and live. It’s a great base for the sort of work that I do, and a great place to raise a young family.

What three must-dos would you recommend to a visitor to Tassie?

A visit to Mona goes without saying, and I’d also recommend one of the walks on kunanyi/Mt Wellington, rather than just going to the summit. My third recommendation is pricey so not for everyone - I was really lucky to experience a Par Avion flight to Tasmania’s southwest as part of a Tourism Australia shoot, and it was just one of those “wow” moments. The area is so vast and isolated, and simply stunning. It felt very different to anywhere I’d ever been before. 

Image: Dearna Bond

Where’s your favourite hot drink haunt, and what’s your standing order?

I’ve recently moved into a shared studio with four other creatives, and I’m lucky enough to have two local haunts for my almond chai - Sachié Café and Little Missy Pâtisserie. Both do excellent food, too.

Describe your perfect Saturday in the part of Tasmania you call home. 

I’d start the morning early with cuddles with my four-year-old daughter Lou, and then head to a yoga class at Alceme, before meeting Lou and my partner Brett at the park for a play date. The perfect easy day would involve catching up with friends in the afternoon and a barbecue dinner, and then an early night for Lou so Brett and I can have a night on the couch watching something on Netflix.

What are you currently reading?

Weyward by Emilia Hart - it’s the current read for the book club I’m in. It’s one of those novels that weaves a few different characters’ stories together, and I’m enjoying it so far.

And listening to?

I’m playing Music League with my partner and a group of friends, so what I’m listening to is often at the mercy of their preference! Everyone picks a song according to the weekly theme, and then we all vote on those choices. This week’s theme is Songs Released In 2023, and - in my opinion - I’m the only one who’s chosen a good song: Tame Impala’s “Wings of Time”. 

How can people connect with you?

I’m on Instagram at @dearnabond_photograhy, or head to my website to view my portfolio. 

Image: Dearna Bond


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